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Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Rachel Weisz Profile and Full Biography
Born: 7 March 1971 (Age: 39)
Where: London, England
Height: 5' 7"
Awards: Won 1 Oscar and 1 Golden Globe, 1 BAFTA nomination
Full Biography:
The new millennium certainly saw British actresses making an impact in Hollywood. Following in the footsteps of multiple-Oscar nominees Kate Winslet and Emily Watson came Kate Beckinsale, a resurgent Julia Ormond and, of course, that scourge of mummies everywhere, Rachel Weisz. Though she broke through in action roles, Weisz has, from the very start of her acting career, exhibited a far wider emotional range than all of her peers (with the exception of Watson) and thoroughly deserved the Oscar she received for her portrayal of a passionate, flighty and doomed activist in John Le Carre's The Constant Gardener. Should she wish, she might well out-pace and out-last them all. She certainly has the looks, having been compared to Merle Oberon, with her "timeless and authentic beauty".

Throughout Rachel's early life, her parents did not get on too well. Both being fiercely intelligent and highly critical, theirs was a fraught relationship. Rachel - perhaps to gain attention, perhaps to give her parents something to unite over - became rebellious, passing through a series of schools due to her "disruptive behaviour". So, she went from North London Collegiate to Benenden to St Paul's. At 13, her parents took her to a shrink to find the root of these outrages. The shrink sent her a letter saying "Congratulations. You are doing very well at keeping your parents together". Nevertheless, by the time she was 15, they'd separated.
Before this, though, Rachel was already working. Edith was ambitious for her and, having wanted to act herself, pushed her daughter in that direction. Sending a holiday snap to Harpers And Queen, she got Rachel a job as a model. Spotted by casting directors, at 14 she was offered a part in Richard Gere's King David but, not wanting her schoolmates to hate her for being different, she turned it down. Her parents would fall out badly over this, Edith being keen, George not. As said, they would soon go their separate ways.Rachel Weisz (pronounced 'Vice') was born in London, England in early 1971. Her mother, Edith, is a Viennese-born psychotherapist. Her father, George, is a Hungarian-born inventor who came up with a new type of artificial respirator. She was born into a rough history; both parents family's had been forced to flee their respective countries during the oppression during the 30s.
Rachel Weisz came into the world 33 years ago on 7th March, in London, to Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe; her Viennese mother is a psychoanalyst while her Hungarian father is an inventor credited with inventing life-saving respiratory medical equipment. She is the emanation of a mixed marriage between an English mother and a Hungarian father. While growing up in England, she works as a model till turning 15 when Rachel becomes realizing the clarity of her acting vocation. Before initiating her acting studies, she has to obey the insistence of her parents to graduate from a college. Thus, she starts studying literature at Cambridge's Trinity Hall. In 1991 Rachel presents at Edinburgh Festival some of her projects, that are honoured with student's recognitions. Rachel marks her debut with Design for Living, a production of Noel Coward. The appearance brings her the Evening Standard Award for Best Newcomer. Afterwards, she switches her focus to television to take a part in 1993's Dirty Something, as well as in short episodes of BBC Scarlet & Black. Rachel appears in Inspector Morse in 1993, followed by White Goods a year later. In 1995, she plays a role in the sci-fi Death Machine.

When Weisz was 13, her mother sent a holiday snapshot to fashion magazine Harpers & Queen and presto, she started modeling. Casting agents working on the feature film King David spotted her in the magazine and offered her the part of Richard Gere's daughter in the period piece. After making her big screen debut at 14, she continued to model, appearing in Vogue before heading for Trinity College in Cambridge to study English. There, she set up a theater group, Cambridge Talking Tongues, with three friends and took plays to the Edinburgh Festival.In 1992, they took an improvised piece called Slight Possession to the Edinburgh Festival and, while the show won a Guardian award, Weisz was approached by a theatrical agent. In 1994, she walked off with the Critics' Circle award for Best Newcomer for her performance in Design For Living at the Gielgud Theatre.
Rachel Weisz Profile and Full Biography
Rachel Weisz Profile and Full Biography
Rachel Weisz Profile and Full Biography
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