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Thursday, November 18, 2010
Bristol Palin Biography and Full Profile
Birth Name : Bristol Sheeran Marie Palin
Height : 5' 6" (1.68 m)
Birthplace: Alaska
Best known as: The oldest daughter of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin
Trivia :
Daughter of Sarah Palin and Todd Palin.Has one older brother (Track Charles James, b. 1989), two younger sisters (Willow Bianca Faye, b. 1995 and Piper Indy Grace, b. 2001) as well as one younger brother (Trig Paxson Van, April 18, b. 2008).Has a son, Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston (born December 27, 2008) with ex-fiancé Levi Johnston.

Bristol Palin is the daughter of Sarah Palin, the Alaska governor who was the Republican candidate for vice-president in 2008. Sarah Palin was announced as John McCain's running mate on 29 August 2008. Three days later, Palin announced through a press release that her 17-year-old daughter Bristol was pregnant. The statement said, in part, "Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the love and support of our entire family." The father was soon identified as Levi Johnston, a fellow high school student of Bristol's in Wasilla, Alaska. (Johnston then joined Palin's family onstage at the Republican National Convention in September.) Their child, a son named Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston, was born on 28 December 2008. Johnston confirmed in March of 2009 that he and Bristol had broken off their engagement and were no longer a couple. However, in July of 2010 the two youngsters announced that they were back together and were once again engaged to be married. Bristol is the second-oldest of five children in the Palin family: her older brother Track (b. 1989) joined the US Army in 2007, and her younger siblings are sisters Willow (b. 1994) and Piper (b. 2000) and brother Trig (b. 2008).
Extra credit: Bristol is named for Alaska's Bristol Bay, her father Todd Palin told People magazine in a 2008 interview... The Palin family has not made Piper Palin's date of birth public. However, a health history of Sarah Palin released by her doctor, Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, in 2008 stated that Palin had given birth in 1989, 1990, 1994, 2000 and 2008.

The couple, who got engaged on more than one occasion and are now broken up, is the proud parents to Tripp Johnston. Bristol has admitted that being a teenage mom isn't ideal - but as Sarah Palin has said about the situation, "hey, life happens."This is especially true when you don't teach your kids about contraception. Just sayin.Bristol has proven to love attention almost as much as her mother: she's exploited her pregnancy for fame and fortune, actually competing, for example, on season 11 of Dancing with the Stars. We'll still awaiting word on what makes her a star.

Bristol Palin on Dancing With the Stars Finals Run: "I'm Comfortable" (11/18/2010)
Her run to the Dancing With the Stars finals has shocked a nation, but Bristol Palin is undeterred by her critics. As the most improved this season, she feels she deserves it.The Situation, Bristol Palin Tag-Team Safe Sex PSA (11/17/2010) Proving that truth really is stranger than fiction, The Situation and Bristol Palin have teamed up for a safe sex PSA for the Candie's Foundation.
Bristol Palin is a Dancing With the Stars Finalist; Brandy Eliminated in Stunner! (11/17/2010)
The unthinkable has happened Bristol Palin has made the finals of Dancing With the Stars. Brandy became the ninth casualty last night, and about the fifth or sixth that's better than Palin. Bristol Palin is the daughter of Sarah Palin, the Alaska administrator who was the Republican claimant for vice-president in 2008. Sarah Palin was voiced as John McCain’s using partner upon twenty-nine Aug 2008. Three days later, Palin voiced by a press recover which her 17-year-old daughter Bristol was pregnant. The matter said, in part, “Bristol and the immature male she will wed have been starting to comprehend really fast the difficulties of raising a child, which is because they will have the adore and await of the complete family.” The father was shortly identified as Levi Johnston, a associate high propagandize tyro of Bristol’s in Wasilla, Alaska. (Johnston afterwards assimilated Palin’s family onstage at the Republican National Convention in September.) Their child, a son declared Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston, was born upon twenty-eight Dec 2008. Johnston reliable in Mar of 2009 which he and Bristol had damaged off their rendezvous and were no longer a couple. However, in Jul of 2010 the dual youngsters voiced which they were back together and were once again intent to be married. Bristol is the second-oldest of 5 young kids in the Palin family: her comparison hermit Track (b. 1989) assimilated the US Army in 2007, and her younger siblings have been sisters Willow (b. 1994) and Piper (b. 2000) and hermit Trig (b. 2008).
Bristol is declared for Alaska’s Bristol Bay, her father Todd Palin told People repository in a 2008 interview… The Palin family has not done Piper Palin’s date of bieing born public. However, a illness story of Sarah Palin expelled by her doctor, Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, in 2008 settled which Palin had since bieing born in 1989, 1990, 1994, 2000 and 2008.
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